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Marketing / PR Network: Why Does the Best Team Lose?

May 2021 Marketing PR

Image: Campaign Creators/Unsplash

  • COST

    Free and open to the public.

  • TYPE

    Knowledge Community



“But we were the best team—why didn’t we win?” During this interactive session, AEC-industry presentation strategist and coach Lisa Quackenbush will invite us (challenge us?) to rethink our approach to shortlist opportunities, using a new mindset that may shed some light on who wins, and why.
Communicating ideas in a compelling and clear way is not a talent that comes naturally to everyone, nor is knowing how to connect with others and create trust. Teams must stretch themselves to make a genuine connection with selection committee members, and find new and innovative ways to demonstrate warmth, likeability, and chemistry. Join this session and get inspired to hit the reset button on how you think about project opportunities and the interview process.