BSA Creative Prompt
Join the #BSACreativePrompt! We invite you, your kids, friends, neighbors, colleagues and more to follow along as we post creative prompts throughout the coming weeks.
This is a pilot program and we will post new prompts, which will range from broad and exploratory, to more focused, professional issues.
Look for new questions weekly!
Your submissions will be posted here on and our social media platforms starting the following week. Your name will be published with your work, unless you request anonymity.
What’s your favorite room at home?
Sketch a floor-plan, write a poem, take a photograph, or submit another form of media that honors your favorite room. We look forward to seeing your responses and to sharing them next week!
Submit your entry!
Entries may be submitted as either an image, audio file, video, text, or PDF. Submit here or tag us on social media @BSAAIA #BSACreativePrompt. Max size 15MB.