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*Postponed* KidsBuild!

Kids Build_4.6.2019_header

​Image: KidsBuild! 2018. Credit: Anthony Crisafulli.

  • COST

    Free and open to the public

  • TYPE



    Design Enthusiasts

Registration opens in mid-March.

Join KidsBuild! at BSA Space on Saturday, April 4 and Sunday, April 5. Guided by professional architects, families will choose a construction site from a fictional city grid, design and build a building from recycle materials, and be awarded a certificate of occupancy from the city building inspectors. Geared for children age five–13, KidsBuild! lets children understand and formulate ideas about architecture and design as they build a city from the ground up.


Saturday, April 4
10:00 am—4:00 pm [last registration time is 2:30pm]

Sunday, April 5
10:00 am—4:00 pm [last registration time is 2:30pm]
3:45 pm—4:30 pm Surplus materials available for educators

Monday April 6 - Friday April 10
8:00 am - 6:00 pm KidsBuild! City viewing

Lead supporters of youth design education through Provoking Change Legacy Circle membership:
