Sustainability Education: A Whole Systems Template for a Carbon Free Boston

Free and open to the public.
1 LU/HSW credit available
Henry MacLean AIA, LEED AP, Timeless Architecture, Bart Bales,PE, MSME, Bales Energy Associates, and David Bliss AIA, LEED AP, Bliss Enclosure Consulting + Design will present how Boston City Hall (BCH) can be a template for existing buildings in the Carbon Free Boston commitment, while reclaiming the international status for design it held at inception.
The thermally compromised envelope is transformed with a new cap and glass walls to the open atrium, adding 130,000 sf of space to the 511,000 sf structure, allowing BCH to become a bridge to a green and resilient future. Together with a new heat pump and heat recovery ventilation system this achieves a 75% EUI savings. Combined with the new extensive real estate income, construction is paid for in less than 8 years.
Through these interventions, the building is infused with light, color, water, plants and art, engaging all aspects of the Living Building Challenge. It also respects the original architects call for “ a process that engage(s) successive generations of the citizenry in the embellishment, decoration, and adornment of …this… robust armature..”