Passive House Symposium
General Registration: $100
Student Registration: $50
Non-Profit and Municipal Employee Registration: $50 -
6 LU|HSW Credits Available
We welcome you to join us as we return to an in-person Symposium and Push the Boundaries of Passive House. Featuring presentations, case-studies, panel discussions, and networking, all in-person at the BSA Space in Boston. Session topics include the new Stretch Code and Specialized Opt-In Code, Retrofit Case-Studies, Winthrop Center, Northland Newton, Mass Timber, Electrification, and Existing Building Policy.
Happening Now - The New Stretch Code and the Specialized Opt-In
Stretch Code
Maggie McCarey, Energy Efficiency Director, MA Department of
Energy Resources, kicks off our Symposium with a presentation and discussion of
the new building code changes, including updates to the Stretch Code, the new
“Net Zero” specialized code, Passive House certification requirements, and
energy reduction metrics.
Salem Heights - A Deep Energy Retrofit Case Study
This session presents a case study of the just the retrofit of Salem Heights affordable housing high rise apartments, including retrofitting with people in place.
Northland Newton Development – The Path to Passive House
With over 700 units across 8 buildings, this massive new project
in Newton aims to be the largest all-electric Passive House development in the
world. Hear from the developer, architect, contractor, and PH consultant.
Deep Energy Retrofits on the Cusp
Tim McDonald, Onion Flats, and Wes Stanhope, Building Evolution
Corp, present their research on tackling existing buildings.
Mass Timber & Passive House: Low-Carbon Construction
This session dives into the details on an all-electric mass
timber Passive House in Roxbury from both the CPHC and Structural Engineer.
All-Electric Senior Living in Newton
David Roache, Mark Development, Senior Vice President of
Development, and Marine Sanchez, RDH Building Science, Senior Passive House
Consultant, present on this in-development project in Newton that features over
200 units of independent living, assisted living, and memory care services.