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Residential Design: Risk Drivers 2.0 — Understanding the dynamics of risk in the design community (Virtual)

Architect on job site

Poole Professional Companies

In the immortal words of Brittney Spears, "Oops, I did it again!" Did I make a mistake in the project documentation? Who is responsible for oversight on the job? How can I upgrade my practice to mitigate mistakes and omissions?

Our guest presenter, Cameron Poole, may be well known by our community of residential architects. Cameron will present a "refresher" course on the risk drivers in the design industry with special emphasis placed on residential projects. Cameron will address some of the following topics: What is Risk? What are Risk Drivers? How can I manage risk in my practice? Cameron knows his stuff!

Cameron Poole is a graduate of Colby College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Cam is a third-generation insurance agent that focuses strictly on insurance and risk management programs for design professionals. Cam's extensive experience in evaluating and mitigating risk for design firms allows him to assist firms of all disciplines and sizes.