Designing for Reuse: Case Studies on Structural Retrofits for Older Building Stock (Virtual)
$40 BSA Members | $80 non-Members
1.5 LU/HSW AIA credits available.
Older cities like Boston have a wealth of existing building stock originating before or around the turn of the twentieth century. These buildings are often constructed using multiple historical structural systems and components ranging from heavy timber, brick masonry, steel, and concrete assemblies. Using several project case studies, this workshop will provide an overview of structural considerations, building code implications, and lessons learned when undertaking the repurposing of an older existing building. By recognizing the challenges inherent in retrofitting 19th century buildings and approaches for navigating them, a team can deliver a successful project and preserve these buildings through reuse.
Objectives include:
- Define the types of historical structural assemblies which can be encountered in older turn-of-the-century buildings.
- Identify the structural implications associated with the existing building code requirements and upgrades based on a project’s proposed scope of work.
- Justify the importance of a structural site survey and exposure of existing structural conditions, both early in design and early in construction.
- Summarize, through project case studies, approaches of how projects can navigate these older building structures and challenges that arise with retrofits and reuse.
The ability to comprehend and implement best practices to reuse projects is vital to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of building occupants and users. Expertise in this design approach is especially important in older cities, such as Boston, where there exists already a wealth of building stock dating back to or before the start of the twentieth century.
Michael Richard | Senior Consulting Engineer, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.
This session is part of the BSA Summer CE Workshop series, which provides opportunities to earn HSW credits before the state licensing deadline on August 31. Stay up to date on industry issues with these professional workshops, offered Tuesday, August 1 through Thursday, August 10, 2023. BSA members save 50 percent and have their credits reported on their AIA transcript.