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BSA Firm Membership

BSA Firm membership supports our strong legislative advocacy programs in Massachusetts and the work of our active and dedicated committees, task forces, and networks. The BSA/AIA works for our member firms in many ways, including our robust continuing-education opportunities, dedicated support for the emerging professionals in your firms, and by bringing the value of good design to the general public.

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Benefits of Membership

Member pricing:
  • Firm members can submit for FREE to be published in PROGRESS, a monthly newsletter focused on recognizing the accomplishments of our members and member firms. Members can submit news about their firm as often as they wish here
  • Firm members can submit projects for potential inclusion on the TV series America ByDesign: Architecture on CBS.
  • Discounted BSA Space rental opportunities
  • 50% off BSA online job listings
  • 25% off AIA Contract Documents
  • Discounted advertising packages on, Currents e-newsletter and other partnership opportunities
  • Discounted tickets to BSA programs and events
  • Discounted tickets for seasonal Architecture Cruises
  • Your firm's participation in BSA awards, programs and competitions will be priced at the member rate

Member visibility and brand recognition in the following ways:

Apply Today!

If you do wish to take the next step towards BSA Firm membership, simply return a completed application form either via email to [email protected] or by mail to "Membership", 290 Congress Street, Suite 200 Boston MA 02210.