A Message from the BSA on Racism
Our hearts grieve for the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the many other Black Americans who have been senselessly murdered. In particular, we are appalled at the systematic targeting of young Black men by some police. We must come together to address the bigotry and violence in this country toward the black community.
Boston is not immune nor absolved from its own insidious lineage of racism, bias, and violence. The racial inequities, injustices, and disparities in our city are extreme and persistent. They are even codified in the policies and planning measures of architecture’s “health, safety, and welfare” mandates. This cannot continue. We encourage all in our community to stand together in dismantling systems of discrimination and amplify the voices of those most directly entangled in its grips.
These protests are a call to action to address the injustices of systemic racism in this country. We are saddened to see the fires and damage done to our great city of Boston and other cities around the world. While we do not condone the violence, we recognize the frustration, pain, and anger that preceded this violence and stand with the voices in our communities rallying for change. The damages to physical spaces can be repaired and replaced. The lives lost cannot.
We ask our members, allies, and friends to move forward in solidarity with empathy and support. When designers come together to change the systems that perpetuate violence and cruelty, we will harness our energies to create more just, equitable and inclusive communities.