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BSA News

Aug 19, 2021

Mayoral Candidates to Participate in BSA Forum on the Built Environment

Candidates in Boston's upcoming mayoral race are set to participate in a virtual forum hosted by the BSA.

The candidates will have the opportunity to both answer and to ask each other questions about issues around climate resiliency, net zero buildings, affordable housing, and the development process in Boston, along with other aspects of Boston's built environment.

The forum will take place on Monday, August 30 from 1:00–2:00 PM. Register here.

*The BSA is awaiting confirmation from Acting Mayor Janey.

Liz Neisloss, reporter for GBH News, will act as moderator. Opening remarks will be given by Gregory Minott AIA, BSA President.

Have questions you'd like answered? Submit them ahead of time and register for the Zoom event here. Registrants will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the forum.

Climate change and housing inequity are just two of the issues currently affecting the city's residents and its infrastructure. Learn how each candidate will address issues that impact how we all live and work in the city.

Curious about candidates' current positions? This past July, candidates answered several of the BSA's questions around Boston's built environment. Questions were designed to gain a better understanding of how each candidate will address the City's most critical issues. Learn more in their full responses, available here.

Don't miss this chance to make sure your vote counts and gain critical insight straight from candidates!
