2018 BSA Design Awards

Each year the Boston Society of Architects/AIA (BSA/AIA), often in collaboration with other organizations, sponsors awards programs to honor design excellence in Massachusetts, throughout New England, and beyond. Design Awards celebrate outstanding architecture and reward clients for investing in good design.
By recognizing remarkable achievements in architecture, the design community highlights exemplary projects that serve as inspiration for practitioners. Equally important, these awards elevate the potential for positive impact that architecture has on quality of life for everyone.
Juries had just one criterion for awarding these projects: design excellence.
In 2018, the following biennial programs were juried:
- Campus and Urban Planning
- Interior Architecture and Design
- Healthcare Facilities Design
- Hospitality Design
- Sustainable Design
Additionally, awards were given in the BSA/AIA’s three annual programs:
- Unbuilt Architecture and Design
- Honor Awards for Design Excellence
- Harleston Parker Medal
The BSA/AIA invites you to peruse the gallery, pick a favorite project or two, and think about what design excellence means to you.
Share your pictures and your opinions! @BSAAIA #BSADesignAwards