Future-Decker Competition—Video Archive
A video collection of all Future-Decker Competition events and related virtual programming.
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Future-Decker Project Update
On November 9th, 2022 the Boston Society for Architecture (BSA) and the City of Boston, Mayor’s Office of Housing (MOH) hosted a virtual Community Meeting to discuss Boston’s Future-Decker Initiative. This kick-off meeting marked the second phase of the Future-Decker Design Competition and two city-owned sites have been selected for a forthcoming RFP. Meeting participants and residents also shared their thoughts for the two selected sites. Click here to view the slides.
Co-creating Boston’s Future-Decker RFI: A Celebration
On November 17th, the BSA in partnership with the Housing Innovation Lab hosted this event to celebrate the first phase of this year's Housing Innovation Competition titled "Co-Creating Boston's Future-Decker".
To learn more about the competition visit architects.org/housing-innovation and boston.gov/future-deckers
Request for Ideas Information Session: Co-Creating Boston's Future-Decker
On May 26, 2021 the BSA and iLab hosted a Information Session discussing the goals for this year's Request for Ideas. This marks the first phase of this year's Housing Innovation Competition. Click here to view the slides.