The BSA Forum: A Platform for Conversation

The Boston Society for Architecture is pleased to present the BSA Forum. This new online conversation platform allows both members and nonmembers to discuss topics that are top of mind for the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.
Now more than ever, it is important to convene and connect through broad-based dialogue and share ideas toward solving the vexing problems facing our climate and our society.
The Forum is open to all regardless of age, professional experience, or perspective with the expectation that all exchanges are considerate and respectful. We invite you to ask thought-provoking questions, share lessons learned, and engage in open discussions on the future of design.
We encourage conversations around current programming and challenges. Most recently conversations have focused on addressing barriers to the profession that perpetuate inequities as well as sharing resources and quotations that provoke internal reflection and firm action.
We ask for your participation and look forward to hearing what you have to say. Join now at