Call for Applicants: AIA New England RAD
The BSA is seeking candidates to nominate to serve as AIA New England’s Regional Associate Director (RAD).
The primary function of the RAD is to act as the representative of the Region’s AIA Associate members, to the National Associates Committee (NAC), during his/her 2-year term on the AIA New England Board of Directors. The RAD represents associates members, by providing information and leadership to components. The RAD shall address local, regional and national issues and assist in shaping new policies.
Responsibilities and Expectations Include:
- Attendance at, and participation in, the AIA New England Council Quarterly Meetings, three of which are held at the BSA headquarters, in Boston. The fourth meeting is held during the AIANE Regional Conference and Awards, in a different New England state each year. In response to the pandemic, these meetings have lately been virtual.
- Prepare a RAD Report for each Quarterly Meeting.
- Attendance at, and participation in, Grassroots Leadership Conference (Washington, D.C. or other location as determined)
- Attendance at, and participation in, all National Associates Committee Meetings (Locations Vary)
- Annual in-person meeting 2 -3 days of travel funded by AIA National.
- Monthly committee meetings TBD after the annual meeting.
- Quarterly Full NAC conference call meetings.
- Yearly RAD reports that are written and given to AIA National
Encouraged Participation Includes:
- Attendance at, and participation in, the AIA National Conference (Location Varies)
- Attendance at, and participation in the New England Regional Conference (Location Varies)
- Participation in component Emerging Professional events, conference calls etc.
- Collaboration with New England YARD (Young Architect Regional Director)
Term of Service:
This is a volunteer 2-year appointment (January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022).
The selected applicant is expected to join the current RAD for the remainder of the term (through the end of 2020) giving the 2021-2022 RAD time to come up to speed on all of the functions of the position and the current initiatives of the National Associates Committee and AIA New England.
The date for the last annual Board meeting will be shared upon acceptance.
Travel and Funding:
AIA New England provides a stipend to cover travel and expenses not covered by AIA associated with the RAD’s travel to and participation in: the AIA National Conference, Grassroots Legislative and Leadership Conference, and travel required by the NAC and/or the AIA New England Region.
Funding is limited to a budgeted stipend, provided by AIA New England. In some instances, AIA Staff may elect to provide additional funding, should extra travel be requested by an AIA national staff member.
To be eligible, the applicant must be an Associate member of the AIA in good standing and reside in New England. The individual must begin the appointment as an Associate member and is encouraged to be pursuing licensure during the term.
Application Requirements:
Applicants shall submit the following documents here.
✓ Letter of Interest
✓ Current Resume or CV
✓ 2 Letters of Recommendation