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Oct 09, 2019

Show your support for Housing Choice Legislation—contact your representatives today!

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To help this bill become a reality, contact your state senator and representative today. Tell them you support House Bill 3507.

Governor Baker’s An Act to Promote Housing Choices (House 3507) supports more affordable housing throughout our Commonwealth. This piece of legislation would allow certain zoning changes and special permit applications to be granted by a simple majority rather than the 2/3 majority required in municipalities today. This is a very important first step towards creating more affordable housing. AIA MA is already actively engaged in promoting this bill through its membership in the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance.

You can play an active role in helping this bill become a reality by contacting your state senator and representative today! Tell them you support House Bill 3507.

House Bill 3507 will:

  • Create a more powerful incentive for developers to build affordable housing
  • Help towns throughout Massachusetts to produce their fair share of affordable housing
  • Incentivize climate-friendly development by making it easier to update zoning to reflect more sustainable development practices like compact housing, transit oriented development and open space preservation
  • Promote age-friendly, walkable neighborhoods by making it easier to adopt accessory dwelling unit ordinances and allowing housing clusters in mixed use corridors

This adoption of this bill may open the doors for further discussions and legislation that tackles even more difficult housing matters.

Read the full MSGA letter here

Find out how to contact your legislators here
