Featured Programs

From rising costs to lack of affordable units to the dilemma of a rising population, architects are working to find equitable solutions: piloting models for innovative housing typologies, exploring new ways to populate our Gateway cities, and retrofitting our existing stock.

Community + Collaborative Design
Community + Collaborative Design (C+CD) projects at the Boston Society for Architecture recognize that the design of the built environment benefits from collaborative processes that celebrate a multitude of voices.
K-12 Design Education
Over one weekend each year, more than 700 kids and their families use the design process to build a city at KidsBuild!

Design Awards
The BSA Design Awards program celebrates exemplary innovation in the built environment, investment from committed clients, and the unique power of architecture to design buildings and spaces that transform communities and shape the way we live.

Policy and Advocacy
The BSA is committed to making our membership heard throughout government and policy arenas. Photo by ElevenPhotographs on Unsplash
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