Questions about the RFI? We're here to help.
This page serves as a living list of questions received ahead of the RFI submission date. The inaugural Request for Innovations (RFI) is now closed. Shortlisted applicants will be notified on March 1, 2023.
Who is eligible to apply?
We welcome proposals from any individual or group. Architects, designers, community members, policymakers, academics, nonprofits, for-profits, and others are all encouraged to apply. We are especially interested in multi-disciplinary or multi-stakeholder partnerships.
I’m not located in Boston. Can I still apply?
Applicants are not required to live in Boston, but proposals should center around issues impacting the Greater Boston area. Throughout the lifespan of the project, meetings and work sessions will be conducted virtually and in person, at the BSA.
Is design experience required?
Each project will require some experience, knowledge, and/or skills of architects and designers. However, applicants (individuals or teams) are not required to have design experience. If you or your team do not have design experience, BSA staff will work to match you with those that have the design experience as needed.
How has the BSA supported other projects?
We have worked collaboratively in a variety of roles to support and develop projects.
Decarbonizing Concrete in Boston
The BSA supports this initiative in several ways. One BSA staff member works alongside Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF)’s Carbon Working Group, as a member of the Steering Committee. The BSA administers grant funds and is providing space for in-person stakeholder engagement. The BSA will collaborate with CLF, along with a consultant chosen to lead the work, in order to create clear goals and objectives and to provide the support necessary to ensure key milestones are met. The BSA will take the learnings from this work and create professional education opportunities for our members and allied professionals. The BSA will also work to promote this work to our large network.
Future Decker
The BSA is a key partner in the conception and implementation of this work. By co-hosting a Housing Innovation Design Fellow in partnership with the City of Boston’s Housing Innovation Lab, the BSA has dedicated staff time to support and advise this initiative. Additionally, the BSA has brought together its network of architects and designers to participate in this effort in varying capacities, from speaking on panels to participating in the competition and forming teams with residents and other partners.
Malden Center for Arts and Culture
The BSA has supported member firms STA and UX Studio as the design team for the development of the City of Malden’s Concept Plan. The redevelopment process for the Malden Center for Arts and Culture spans four phases. BSA staff supported the design team through research and engagement, resulting in a concept plan which establishes a vision for the center, a preliminary assessment of building conditions, and guidance on operations and financial considerations.
I need help shaping my idea. Is there a way the BSA can assist?
Yes! Join us for one on one support during virtual Office Hours. Office Hours will be held each Tuesday from now until January 17. View dates for Office Hours on the calendar.
Can you tell me more about the open house and what to expect?
Once a shortlist of projects is selected, the BSA will host an Open House on March 1. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to present their proposals before final project selections are announced. BSA members, partner organizations, and funders will be invited to attend.
Are there financial resources available for selected projects?
The BSA will work with each project team to identify financial support for projects that require funding. This may include applying for grants, connecting with prospective funders, and/or seeking in-kind professional support from our network of members.
Can I see the RFI submission questions in advance of beginning the application?
Yes. You can see the questions in advance here.
Additional questions? Email us at [email protected].