Innovating On: Decarbonizing Concrete in Boston
A tailored stakeholder engagement effort to examine the opportunities for adopting low-carbon concrete in the Boston region
Timeline: 2022-2023
The adoption of low-carbon concrete is a critical-path action item for the building industry. Without the engagement of all stakeholders, and acknowledgement and consensus of its opportunities and challenges, we will not be able to address this as quickly and as widely as needed. The Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) Boston/Northeast Hub will lead a series of targeted stakeholder workshops, run and facilitated by a consultant over a 6-8 month period. The work will culminate in a report analyzing the key obstacles and opportunities identified in the stakeholder workshops, along with actionable next steps to decarbonizing concrete in the region.
The BSA supports this initiative in several ways. One BSA staff member works alongside CLF’s Carbon Working Group as a member of the Steering Committee for this grant work. The BSA is also administering the grant funds and providing space for in-person stakeholder engagement. The BSA will work with CLF and the consultant selected to lead the work, to create clear goals and objectives and provide support to ensure key milestones are met. The BSA will take the learnings from this work and create professional education opportunities for our members and allied professionals. The BSA will also work to promote this work to our large network.
Decarbonizing Concrete
Visit the CLF page to learn more about this and other ongoing work.
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CLF Boston Hub
The Carbon Leadership Forum’s mission is to eliminate embodied carbon in buildings and infrastructure by inspiring innovation through collective action to create a just and thriving future. The Boston Hub is a BSA Knowledge Community.
Jampart Charitable Trust
Project Funder
Decarbonizing Carbon in Concrete Consultant
To be selected by the Steering Committee in November 2022. The consultant will have experience or knowledge of low carbon concrete in development and also experience with facilitation.
Low Carbon Working Group
Rachell Ain AIA, CLF Boston Co-Chair
Julie Janiski, CLF Boston Co-Chair
Steven Burke
Kristen Fritsch AIA
Michael Gryniuk
Nicole Voss AIA
Mark Webster
Jenny Effron, BSA
Consultant TBD
Jenny Effron, BSA