Grants 2019
The BSA Foundation is pleased to announce its 2019 grant awards. These grants help underwrite community-based K-12 and other educational programs that focus on elevating public awareness of the planning, design, and construction of our communities and support the BSA Foundation’s vision that by 2030 Boston is a model of a resilient, equitable and architecturally vibrant city and region. The 2019 recipients and the contact person for each are:
Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation (Brighton)— $3,500 will support the People’s Planning Initiative which will create workshops and other tools to educate underrepresented communities in Allston Brighton to broaden the pool of voices at the table on development discussions. (John Woods, 617-787-3874)
Boston Preservation Alliance (Boston) — $3,000 to support the Advocacy Certification Training (ACT) program, a certificate program designed to empower residents by promoting historic preservation advocacy at the neighborhood level. (Paula Antonevich, 617-367-2458 x205)
Charles River Conservancy (Cambridge) — $3,000 to support creating engagement surrounding the Charles River Floating Wetland to illustrate the intersection of river ecology and the built environment to garner public support for resilient design. (Laura Jasinski, 617-300-8175)
Design Museum Foundation (Boston) — $2,000 to support the Neighborhood Design Project, an after-school program that brings together underserved 14-15 year-olds throughout Cambridge to transform neighborhoods through design while gaining employment experience. (Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas, 888-287-0167)
Maud Morgan Arts (Cambridge) — $3,500 to support a project series that will provide accessible and hands-on workshops on architecture and design principles within the arts and in local context for youth and families. (Cory Shea, 617-349-6287 ext-15)
Friends of the Perry K-8 School (South Boston) — $3,500 to support a hands-on enrichment program that will empower 250 elementary public school students in Boston to develop and share their design ideas. (Michael Macchi, 617-459-7168)
YouthBuild Boston (Roxbury) — $3,000 to support The Designery, a hands-on architecture and design exploration program for high school teens ages 14-18, who are employed as Intern Designers. (Alex Ho, 617-445-8887 ext-406)