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Town Hall Meeting: Civic Engagement and Advocacy

  • COST

    Free and open to the public

This event was originally scheduled for Thursday, February 9, 2017.

The presidential election and its aftermath have triggered a national debate about the role of architects in public life. The Boston Society of Architects/AIA (BSA) believes that architects owe an ethical duty to serve the public interest. Architects are called upon to engage in civic life at all scales—local, state, national, and global—and believe in certain core values: to design and build livable communities; to protect the natural environment; and to respect human rights. What do those values mean today? And how can design professionals live and work by their values—whether acting through the BSA, working with other groups and organizations, or as individual citizens?

Architects, students, allies, and friends—anyone who cares about design and public life—are invited to participate in a frank and open discussion of these issues.

For information on some of the BSA’s civic engagement and advocacy efforts to date, please see:

An open letter to Robert Ivy FAIA, executive vice president/chief executive officer, The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
A letter to BSA membership
A recommendation from the BSA regarding the AIA Advocacy Agenda—2017 and beyond

This event will be moderated by Jay Wickersham FAIA, vice president/president-elect, BSA; partner, Noble, Wickersham & Heart, LLP.