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Canstruction Team Q&A Forum

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Carmen CANdiego by Wilson Butler

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    Free and open to the public

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    Design Enthusiasts

Join the Canstruction Boston Q&A Forum to discuss the plans for this year's virtual event.

With food banks like the MVFB experiencing increased demand while receiving fewer donations, our efforts to raise funds and food for the MVFB is more critical than ever! To continue supporting the MVFB while remaining healthy, this year Canstruction Boston has decided to pivot to a virtual design competition. We hope you’ll be able to participate this year – with no space restrictions, we’re hoping that more teams than usual can participate in order to raise crucial funds for the MVFB. Read on for more information on the competition and how to sign up to participate!

Virtual Design Competition
For 2020’s virtual design competition, participating teams are invited to design a structure as usual – something that could realistically be built in a 10’x10’x10’ cube using primarily cans. Teams will then submit a short description along with visuals that clearly show the design intent. Specifically, participants will need to submit the following by 1PM on Friday, October 30th:

  • A 250-word description of your design, describing your subject and design approach.
  • The number of “cans” (and other food items such as bags, boxes, etc.) that are included in the structure.
  • 1-3 visuals (e.g., sketches, renderings, CAD or BIM files [exported as PDFs], video files, etc.)
    • One file must be chosen as the “hero” image for use in People’s Choice Voting.
    • Files must be able to be viewed on any computer (PC and Mac) without requiring special software.
    • Graphic files should be in .jpg, .png, or .pdf format.
    • Video files should be exported to .MP4 or .MOV format.

The Canstruction Boston committee will provide submission instructions to registered teams in mid-September.

2020 Theme
Last fall, we announced that the theme for this year would be “That’s Entertainment!”

Through the years – in good times and bad – movies, television shows, theater productions, and other media have kept audiences enthralled. From pure escapism to works of art that reflect the human condition, we love it all … and we want to see what you can design and build that honors this love! What has kept you entertained?

We’ve decided to keep this theme for 2020’s virtual build. In addition, we intend to have the same theme in 2021 so that participating teams will have an option to refine their 2020 design and build it. While participants this year will of course not be required to build their structure next year if they don’t wish to, we know that the design process can be complex and seeing it come to life is part of the fun. Our hope is that this approach gives teams flexibility and keeps them from feeling as if the design time is “wasted.”