Design Impact Straight-Up Talk: Homelessness - Ethics / Policy / Action

Free and open to all
Professional Development
Design Impact Vol. 2: Straight-Up Talk: Homelessness - Ethics / Policy / Action, sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Design Alumni Council, will be a direct, real-talk dialogue on homelessness in the United States that explores the myriad causes of rising homelessness and innovative solutions to eradicate it. It will consist of 3 distinct panels followed by a summary dialogue. The panels will be prefaced by keynote remarks from Binyamin Appelbaum, lead writer on business and economics for the Editorial Board of The New York Times.
Design Impact is a global design leadership speaker series sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Design Alumni Council. These virtual events bring together outstanding rosters of global leaders to share their work and vision, challenging us as a global community to use design as a tool for actionable, transformative change, and healing. Design Impact is Co-Sponsored by the Harvard Alumni Association, the Harvard Alumni Architectural and Urban Society, AIA Los Angeles, AIA Seattle, and AIA New York. This ongoing series is free and open to all.