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Cultural Facilities: Making Cultural Arts Accessible for the Community (Virtual)

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  • COST

    Free and open to the public

  • TYPE

    Knowledge Community



Whether it is an inviting transparent façade and welcoming lobby, or an inclusive design process that engages future user groups; architects must strive to accommodate all members of the communities they serve. Our panel of experts will discuss two recently completed projects, the Boston Arts Academy, and the MIT Museum. While different in scale and purpose, they both are founded upon comparable goals: to serve their communities more thoroughly while navigating a complex network of stakeholders.


Eric Höweler FAIA, LEED AP - Founder of Höweler + Yoon.

Ann Neumann - Director of Galleries and Exhibitions, MIT Museum

Daniel Jentzen - Faculty at Boston Arts Academy

Thomas Hains AIA - Principal at Wilson Butler Architects

Hosts: Ioana Pieleanu and Scott Butler AIA