Healthcare Facilities Committee
Free and open to the public
Knowledge Community
Exeter 2020 – Go Slow to Go Fast
Exeter Hospital is a 100-bed community hospital that is serious about employing lean principles. Before embarking on a design process for transforming their inpatient units, they created a ten-month team exploration of inpatient care models, innovations and design principles. The purpose of the study is to create a multidisciplinary team for the design project; develop a shared language and knowledge base; encourage cross-disciplinary discussions that help break down silos; and clearly identify the problems they need to solve.
Please join us as the TRO team presents the process and outcomes of this unique journey.
Robert Corson AIA, Facilities Architect, Exeter Hospital
Leigh Olson Snow AIA, EDAC, Director of Healthcare Planning, TRO
Abigail Lupien, EDAC, Architectural Designer, TRO
Alison Faecher, Director of Interior Design, TRO
Dennis Stone, Director of Electrical Engineering, TRO
For those who qualify, 1.5 LUs are available.
To learn more about the Healthcare Facilities Committee, visit architects.org/committees/healthcare-facilities-committee
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