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K-12 Educational Facilities Committee

  • COST

    Free and open to the public

  • TYPE

    Knowledge Community



High Performing Schools- Moving Toward Zero Waste

The schools of the future should generate more recycling and compostable material than trash and maybe NO trash at all. How do we get there? Join Carolyn Dunn, DEP Municipal Assistance Coordinator and her coworkers from DEP school green team in Boston who have supervised a number of School Recycling grant projects for a lively and informative discussion on how we get to a zero waste goal.

The presentation will discuss current and future trends likely to affect design needs in school buildings related to recycling and waste diversion. The program will review the tasteful designs of school “recycling centers”, and will provide an understanding of how cafeteria recycling and waste diversion programs are being implemented now, what equipment should be chosen, and what considerations are key to the custodians and principals when designing a cafeteria recycling program (bottles/carton, liquids diversion, food waste/organics diversion). The program will also discuss the MA state “waste bans” as they relate to school buildings as well as the educational value of recycling programs. This is a great opportunity to bring Districts that you are currently working with along to learn about this program and future grants.

For those who qualify, 1.5 LUs/HSW are available

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