Jeff Dietrich
Artist S
250’ / 1,396’, 2018, Digital Print on Moab Lasal Exhibition Luster, $350
By trade, I am a planner & community engagement specialist. I’ve learned from my work to rely on an instinctive humility. Like a productive public meeting, street photographs are acts of reaction & decisive synthesis.
Dusk catches the tram on its way down from its 250’ peak, dazzling & dizzying its 125 passengers. At 1,396’, 432 Park Ave stands proud as the tallest residence in the Western Hemisphere, home to 125 condos. Every 12 floors, a glimpse of the building's 30’ concrete spine, left open to the wind.
Human Scale, 2018, Digital Print on Moab Somerset Museum Rag, $750
From the control tower room, the runways look like a playmat and the planes like tin toys—much easier to move around that way. There is so much infrastructure here. Runways, piers, windmills, wastewater treatment plants, barges, planes, trucks, cranes, coastlines… Person included for scale.