Allston Esplanade Charette
On April 18, the BSA and its Urban Design Committee, the City of Boston and MassDOT hosted a participatory design workshop to generate potential design solutions for key moments of the future “Allston Esplanade,” the area that will be created as a result of the planned rebuilding of the I-90 interchange and Allston Viaduct in Boston.
The evening began with an overview of the site and project’s history as well as key opportunities and constraints of MassDOT’s current direction for the Allston Viaduct replacement project.
Building on a decade of work by design and community advocates, the event attracted over 75 people representing a mix of interests from architecture, to transportation to neighborhood stewards.
After the initial presentations, participants were broken into smaller groups to more thoroughly address design opportunities at three particular areas through a facilitated charrette. The evening concluded with each group presenting their work.
Seth Riseman, Associate Principal at Handel Architects
Tom Nally, A Better City
Jessica Robertson, Community Member and Member of the Allston Multimodal Project Taskforce
Watch the video below, recorded by WGBH's Forum Network.
You can find more information on this event here: Allston Esplanade Charrette.