Balancing Act panel discusses how technology can work to better our cities

Head curator Sae Kim AIA tells us how exhibition discussions involve the community in urban changes and challenges through technology integration
Dozens of attendees came to BSA Space on the evening of August 1 to hear from three leaders in the field of data science, mobility, and civic technology.
We are at a critical point where the decisions we make now will fundamentally change what our future cities look like, and it is essential for us to pause and ask ourselves what problems we are trying to solve—and to what end. Speakers Eric Gordon, Ben Green, and Andrew Salzberg discussed how data and integrated technology can help our cities function better for those who live here. Through personal and professional experience, each speaker explored how technology could be used better and the dangers of current usage trends. A common point was how transportation could be improved through the use of current technology, if used correctly and integrated through multiple systems by one organization.
Below, moderator and head curator Sae Kim AIA gave a quick interview before the event on the positive impacts of bringing the community into this and many more conversations on urbanism and technology.
This discussion was part of BSA Space's current exhibition, Balancing Act: Urbanism & Emerging Technologies. The exhibition explores how technology influences our urban experience and the possibilities to focus emerging technologies towards the human experience and develop best urban practices to make our cities more livable, equitable, and sustainable.
There are still many chances to get involved and join the conversation at upcoming events in conjunction with the exhibition! The next three discussions are listed below.
Fast Forward >> Urban Air Mobility
Thursday, August 29 at 6:00 pm
Evolving Practice
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Data and/in Our Cities
Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm