BSA Welcomes Danyson Tavares as Executive Director
We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Danyson Tavares Associate AIA and NOMA as the Boston Society for Architecture’s next Executive Director.
With his extensive background in architecture and a long commitment to community engagement and advocacy for universal design access, Danyson brings an important lens and expertise to the organization. Danyson has been serving on the BSA AIA Board, tirelessly advocating for the profession and demonstrating a deep commitment to the mission of the BSA.
Danyson will join us from YouthBuild Boston, where he is serving as Executive Director. During his time there, he has secured increased funding, strengthened the staff team, and spearheaded numerous affordable housing projects and community initiatives. Prior to his work at YouthBuild Boston, he spent nine years as a Lead Designer and Project Manager at Boston area architectural firms. He is actively involved in the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), has been adjunct faculty at Boston Architectural College and Wentworth Institute of Technology, and was a recipient of the 2023 Alumni Inclusive Excellence Award from Wentworth Institute of Technology. He is also a trustee of the Sasaki Foundation.
Danyson earned his Bachelor and Master of Science in Architecture from Wentworth Institute of Technology, with a focus on the role of architecture in community building. For much of Danyson’s career, he has focused on addressing diversity issues within the architecture, education, and construction industries.
Danyson was unanimously selected to become BSA’s next Executive Director by our Board of Directors after an extensive national search led by Phillips Oppenheim and a BSA selection committee.
“I am delighted that Danyson will be lending his experience and passion to support the BSA’s mission of climate and equity impact,” said BSA AIA President Sam Batchelor FAIA. “He has demonstrated a remarkable ability to understand the critical issues facing our community and our members, and to develop programs and opportunities that effectively support action.”
BSA Foundation Board Chair Rebecca Berry AIA stated, “I am thrilled at the passion and energy for change that Danyson will bring to leadership at the BSA. His own personal story is one of the power architecture has to make a difference in people’s lives. His deep community and foundations relations will be critical as we seek to expand the engagement of our membership in making positive impacts in greater Boston.”
Danyson is looking forward to starting as BSA Executive Director on November 4, 2024. Interim Executive Director Kimberlee Schumacher will continue to lead the BSA through this transition. We hope you are as excited as we are for this next chapter of the BSA!
Sam Batchelor FAIA
BSA AIA President
Rebecca Berry AIA
BSA Foundation Board Chair