What's Next for the BSA in 2021

As 2020 BSA/AIA President Natasha Espada AIA passed the gavel to 2021 President Gregory Minott AIA, the BSA reflects back on the work accomplished in 2020 toward our goal of making Boston a more equitable and architecturally-vibrant city and region. We know this is just the beginning and there is more important work to do in the year to come.
Last week's BSA Annual Meeting signaled the transition between the end of BSA/AIA President Natasha Espada AIA's term and the beginning of President Gregory Minott AIA's term. As both Presidents Espada and Minott reflected on the challenges of 2020, they underscored the opportunities for growth ahead, especially when it comes to issues of racial equity and inclusion.
The meeting kicked off with President Espada reflecting on the work towards equity, diversity, and inclusion undertaken during her presidency, including the launch of the Race and Architecture listening series and the revival of the EDI Task Force. Espada then introduced Dr. Atyia Martin CEO and Founder, All Aces, Inc. who dove into the interwoven complexities of racism on societal, personal, and interpersonal levels. Stressing the importance of genuine partnerships across communities, especially when it comes to built work, Dr. Martin focused part of her presentation on integrating marginalized communities into the design process.
President Minott presented his agenda for 2021, focusing on creating a more equitable and diverse design community in Boston by creating space for productive, interdisciplinary conversations and reinforcing partnerships with organizations like BosNOMA and NCARB and academic leaders.
“Design is a process of engagement, and as architects, designers, and planners, I think we all recognize the integral role and responsibility that we have to use our influence to design and build for equity," Minott said. Ultimately, Minott views these conversations and partnerships as a way to collectively push forward, "accelerating the needed cultural shift in the profession."
Under President Minott's direction the BSA will continue to expand current programs and create new initiatives to address the intersection of equity and the environment. This includes scaling up its Race & Architecture platform, working with a new advisory committee, and advancing its partnerships on projects like Vision Chelsea Creek. Minott envisions 2021 as the year that offers a new perspective on the role of architecture.
View the full 2020 BSA/AIA Annual Meeting recording here.
Reminder: The BSA/AIA Board has made recommendations for changes to the Chapter's bylaws that will modernize governance. The meeting and vote will take place at on January 6, 2021 at 8:00 AM and is open to all BSA members to vote on the proposed changes to the Chapter bylaws.