Why Practice-Based Research? Hear from the speakers
We asked some of our Practice-Based Research conference speakers to share their thoughts on what practice-based research is, what barriers to adoption exist, and what value research provides for firms as well as for clients and users.
On Thursday, October 15, architects and design professionals with gather (virtually) for Matter & Opinion: Practice-Based Research to share their architectural research work, the firm structures that enable research, and lessons learned along the way.
Why does Practice-Based Research matter? Because research is happening in design practice all the times, but capturing its value isn’t always easy or prioritized. This conference will offer models for architects to integrate research into practice and business, and to design a firm culture that fosters research.
To learn more about how these and other speakers make research work for their firms and produce better outcomes for their clients, register now. 3 LU HSW and 4 LU (non-HSW) are available. Registration packages vary from individual presentations to half and full day packages. Registration provides access to your sessions through December 31, 2020.
Click each speakers name for their takes on research, its problems, and its potential: