Wagdy Anis Symposium on Building Science 2021
High Performance Building Enclosures: Risks and Rewards
September 22 –September 23, 2021
Symposium Overview
When principles of building science are followed, high-performance building enclosures reward building owners with energy conservation and durability, while avoiding risk of condensation and other impediments to the overall performance of the building. As Wagdy Anis FAIA (1941-2018) exemplified in his career, learning, communication and collaboration are key to making this process successful. This symposium held in Anis's honor will bring professionals from across the AEC field together.
The virtual symposium will kickoff with a Keynote presentation from Sherif Anis FAIA NCARB RIBA and include eight technical sessions on topics ranging from control of air leakage to strategies for making sure the building is constructed with continuous heat, air and moisture control layers. Among the sessions, case studies will offer examples of application of these principles to commercial, academic, healthcare and multifamily housing facilities. The symposium will conclude with an in-person networking reception which will be held at BSA Space in Boston.
All sessions will be virtual and hosted through Zoom. Only the networking reception will be in-person and held at BSA Space.
8 LU/HSW AIA credits available.
The full symposium schedule can be accessed here.
Registration is now closed.
BSA COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines
The safety and comfort of our guests is our number one priority, please ensure to review and adhere to our Health and Safety Guidelines for all BSA-sponsored meetings and events here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
For details on sponsorship opportunities, please visit here.
About Wagdy Anis FAIA (1941-2018)
Wagdy Anis served the architectural profession as a skilled problem solver, teacher, and advocate for the integrity and performance of the building enclosure in a career that spanned more than five decades.
During his 40-year tenure at Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott, Anis became a leader in the application of building science principles to the practice of building enclosure design. In 2008 he joined Wiss, Janney, Elstner as a building enclosure consultant. Seven years later he established his own practice, Anis Building Enclosure Consulting. To view his full bio, please click HERE.
Read about the Wagdy Wall in a recent BSA News story here.
About the Building Enclosure Council
The Boston Building Enclosure Council (B-BEC) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote technical excellence in the design and construction of the building enclosure. B-BEC is led by architects and building enclosure experts, to provide a forum where members of the design and construction industry can discuss common issues and share information on materials and methods, with the goal of promoting the well-informed application of building science to construction of commercial and residential buildings. We support this mission through monthly meetings and periodic special events, featuring panels, presentations, discussions and related activities.